Untuk mengetahui kerja jantung masih bagus atau tidak, peneliti punya tips mudah yaitu cukup dengan menyentuh ujung jari kaki. Jika tubuh Anda masih fleksibel untuk meraih jari kaki, berarti jantung Anda masih cukup sehat.
Dalam jurnal Heart and Circulatory Physiology disebutkan bahwa dengan mengetes salah satu elemen tubuh (jari kaki), seseorang bisa tahu jantungnya masih sehat atau tidak, bahkan di tengah-tengah liburan sekalipun.
Caranya mudah, cukup dengan duduk di lantai dengan kaki diluruskan ke depan dan jari kaki mengarah ke atas. Setelah itu cobalah menjangkau dan menyentuh ujung jari kaki dengan tangan. Jika Anda cukup fleksibel untuk menyentuh jari kaki artinya jantung Anda masih sehat dan fleksibel juga.
Dalam studinya, peneliti dari University of North Texas dan beberapa peneliti Jepang merekrut 526 partisipan antara umur 20 hingga 83 tahun. Partisipan kemudian mengikuti tes fleksibilitas tubuh sambil diukur tekanan darah, pembuluh arteri dan aktivitas jantungnya.
Hasilnya, peneliti menemukan korelasi antara tubuh yang tidak fleksibel dengan pembuluh arteri yang tidak fleksibel, terutama pada partisipan di atas umur 40 tahun.
Mereka yang gagal dalam tes fleksibilitas tubuh dan gagal mencapai ujung jari kaki ternyata memiliki pembuluh darah yang kaku, dan artinya kemampuan jantung menjadi kurang baik, efisien dan risiko penyakit jantung pun meningkat.
Peneliti Jepang Dr Yamamoto mengatakan, meski teori antara hubungan otot punggung dan kaki dengan otot di dekat jantung masih samar-samar, tapi dengan adanya studi ini cukup membantu.
Kekakuan otot punggung, kaki dan pembuluh jantung yang saling berhubungan tersebut dikarenakan komposisi kolagennya yang sama.
“Jika Anda bisa menyentuh jari kaki saat duduk lurus, jantung Anda berarti masih cukup baik. Tapi jika tidak bisa, mungkin Anda perlu mendatangi kardiolog,” ujar Dr Yamamoto, seorang peneliti Jepang seperti dikutip dari New York Times.
Namun Yamamoto menyebutkan tidak selamanya otot kaku adalah pertanda penyakit jantung, hanya mungkin jantungnya kurang fit dan sehat saja dari yang seharusnya.
To know the heart is still good or not, researchers have tips easily is enough to touch the tip of your toes. If your body is still flexible to reach your toes, it means your heart is still quite healthy.
In the journal Heart and Circulatory Physiology mentioned that by testing one element of the body (toes), a person can know his heart is healthy or not, even in the midst of a holiday though.
It's easy, simply by sitting on the floor with your legs straightened out to the front and your toes pointing upward. After that try to reach out and touch the tip of your toes with your hands. If you are flexible enough to touch your toes is the heart you are still healthy and flexible as well.
In their study, researchers from the University of North Texas and several Japanese researchers recruited 526 participants between the ages of 20 to 83 years. Participants then take the test flexibility of the body with a measured blood pressure, the arteries and heart activity.
As a result, the researchers found a correlation between body that is not flexible with arteries that are not flexible, particularly in participants over age 40.
Those who failed the test and flexibility of body failed to reach the tip of your toes turned out to have a stiff blood vessels, and means the ability of the heart becomes less good, efficient and increased risk of heart disease.
Japanese researcher Dr Yamamoto said that, although the theory of the relationship between back and leg muscles with a muscle near the heart still vague, but with this study is quite helpful.
Stiffness of back muscles, legs and heart vessels that are interconnected is due kolagennya same composition.
If you can touch your toes while sitting straight, your heart is still quite good. But if not, maybe you need to go to a cardiologist, "said Dr Yamamoto, a Japanese researcher, as quoted from the New York Times.
But Yamamoto is not always mention the muscle stiffness is a sign of heart disease, only the heart may be less fit and healthy than they should.
Tetap follow kami 0n twitter @infobermanfaat
To know the heart is still good or not, researchers have tips easily is enough to touch the tip of your toes. If your body is still flexible to reach your toes, it means your heart is still quite healthy.
In the journal Heart and Circulatory Physiology mentioned that by testing one element of the body (toes), a person can know his heart is healthy or not, even in the midst of a holiday though.
It's easy, simply by sitting on the floor with your legs straightened out to the front and your toes pointing upward. After that try to reach out and touch the tip of your toes with your hands. If you are flexible enough to touch your toes is the heart you are still healthy and flexible as well.
In their study, researchers from the University of North Texas and several Japanese researchers recruited 526 participants between the ages of 20 to 83 years. Participants then take the test flexibility of the body with a measured blood pressure, the arteries and heart activity.
As a result, the researchers found a correlation between body that is not flexible with arteries that are not flexible, particularly in participants over age 40.
Those who failed the test and flexibility of body failed to reach the tip of your toes turned out to have a stiff blood vessels, and means the ability of the heart becomes less good, efficient and increased risk of heart disease.
Japanese researcher Dr Yamamoto said that, although the theory of the relationship between back and leg muscles with a muscle near the heart still vague, but with this study is quite helpful.
Stiffness of back muscles, legs and heart vessels that are interconnected is due kolagennya same composition.
If you can touch your toes while sitting straight, your heart is still quite good. But if not, maybe you need to go to a cardiologist, "said Dr Yamamoto, a Japanese researcher, as quoted from the New York Times.
But Yamamoto is not always mention the muscle stiffness is a sign of heart disease, only the heart may be less fit and healthy than they should.
Tetap follow kami 0n twitter @infobermanfaat
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